Tips to keep skin clear and bright

 Tips for healthy skin

The skin is exposed to numerous stresses and strains - which is entirely in keeping with its task, as it protects us from the outside world. All the more reason to pay the greatest attention to it in daily life. With certain behaviors and measures, you can effectively contribute to the health and well-being of your skin and help it to ward off harmful influences.

Tips to keep skin clear and bright


  • Avoid (frequent) peelings or facial toners containing alcohol
  • Choose cleansing and care products that are tailored to your skin type and any skin problems you may have.
  • Avoid extensive baths or excessively hot and long showers - these can draw moisture from the skin.
  • If you use mild, soap-free products with a skin-friendly pH value (approx. 5.5) for cleansing, the skin's protective acid mantle is retained.
  • Adapt your skincare to the season.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet and make sure you drink enough fluids. Take care of yourself!


With healthy skin, you look and feel better. That is why adapted, regular skincare is important to maintain a clear, radiant complexion. Despite a wide range of care products and aids, healthy, regular skincare does not have to be complicated. A few basic tips can simplify your daily skincare routine:


Normal soaps can irritate the skin. It is therefore better to use a cleansing product that is tailored to your skin type. Choose a product that corresponds to the pH value of the skin (approx. 5.5) and does not damage its natural acid mantle.

Do not cleanse the face more than twice a day (morning and evening). Dab the skin dry after cleansing. Do not rub the face with the towel, this irritates the sensitive skin.

Day Care

Dry skin can best absorb the care while the skin is still slightly moist. It is best to apply your daycare directly after cleansing, this way the moisture is retained in your skin and the skin remains smooth and supple. 

Daycare with a sun protection factor (SPF) is a practical option, as you don't have to think about sun protection.

Night cream

A rich night cream can supply the skin with intensive moisture and valuable ingredients while you sleep and supports the natural regeneration process of the skin. Make sure that your skin contains not only moisturizing ingredients but also soothing and barrier strengthening components so that it can regenerate optimally overnight. 

Eye Care

The skin around the eyes is particularly thin and sensitive, which is why it has a special need for care. A rich eye care product provides the sensitive area with moisture, helps reduce dryness lines and prevents signs of tiredness (e.g. dark circles).

Do not forget the body

When looking in the mirror, the face is in focus; nevertheless, you should not neglect your body. Because we wear clothes most of the day, we tend to pay less attention to the skin on our arms, legs and trunk - but it can also be dry and irritating.

Use a mild cleansing product and make it a habit to apply a suitable moisturizer immediately after a shower or bath.


Sunscreen is not only something for hot days. The regular use of sun cream protects against free radicals, which are caused by UV radiation and can lead to skin damage and skin aging. In our latitudes, you need SPF 15 at least for daily protection; sun creams with SPF 30 (or higher) are useful if you stay in the sun for a long time or if your skin is particularly sensitive to the sun.

Make sure that the product protects against both UVA radiation (which causes skin aging) and UVB radiation (which causes sunburn, among other things). Remember that every sunscreen must be applied repeatedly if you are going to stay in the sun for a long time - so please follow the instructions on the packaging.


A healthy diet has a positive effect on the whole organism and can help to keep the skin healthy. In order to be able to fulfill its numerous functions, it, therefore, needs a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements:


Especially the vitamins of the B-complex have a great influence on the condition of the skin:

Biotin (also known as vitamin H) is responsible for supplying the skin with building substances. A deficiency can lead to scaly skin and eczema. Biotin is found in milk and dairy products, eggs, oat flakes, and nuts, for example.

Niacin (vitamin B3) is responsible for many metabolic processes by which the body gains energy. Niacin is found, for example, in meat, fish, and whole grains.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is needed for cell preservation and regeneration, and thus also for wound healing. A high level of pantothenic acid is found in offal, various types of grain or eggs.

Vitamin E, a so-called antioxidant, protects the skin cells from free radicals, which contribute to skin aging due to their cell-damaging properties. Good sources of vitamin E are hazelnuts, sunflower and rapeseed oil, mangoes, and almonds.

Vitamin A contributes to the formation of new skin cells in the epidermis and is important for the differentiation of cells and tissue. Foods rich in vitamin A include tomatoes, broccoli, elderberry, kiwi, peaches, asparagus, and butter.

Vitamin C, like vitamin E an antioxidant, is also responsible for protecting cells. It also helps to build up connective tissue and strengthen the immune system. Foods with a high vitamin C content include spinach, Brussels sprouts, peppers, parsley, blackcurrants, sea buckthorn, and rosehip.


Minerals are non-organic nutrients. They include potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, and iron. In connection with the skin, the different minerals take on different tasks. For example, they also ensure the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Foods rich in minerals include millet, lentils, nuts, fresh fish, porcini mushrooms, dairy products, and soya.

Proteins (egg white)

The building blocks of proteins, the so-called amino acids, play a decisive role in cell structure, in addition to several important tasks in the body. Various sources can be used here. Animal protein sources are mainly eggs, meat, fish, and dairy products. Vegetable protein sources include nuts, mushrooms, soya, legumes, and cereals.


Fats are not fundamentally bad. In fact, the body, and the skin, in particular, need fats. On the one hand, they are an important supplier of energy, on the other hand, they help to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, they are needed for the formation of cell membranes and for several metabolic processes. Fats of vegetable origin are various oils. Fats of animal origin are meat, fish, or dairy products.


The following is recommended:

  • Eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible.
  • Milk and whole grain products are also important.
  • Eat essential fatty acids. These can be found in vegetable oils, for example.
  • An adult person should consume at least 2 liters of fluid a day.
  • You should avoid the following:
  • Foods that are too greasy or sweet as well as excessive consumption of alcohol or nicotine.
  • Food: Make sure to eat as little meat as possible.
  • Drinks: At best, drinks should not contain too much sugar.

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