Skin care: how do you care for your skin properly?

 The skin is the largest sensory organ in terms of area. It also performs a multitude of functions. Its most important task is to shield the body from external dangers. The skin succeeds in doing this by, for example, healing wounds from the inside or forming a thickened callus, for example when shoe pinch. Appropriate skin care can not only support the skin in its functions, but it can also prevent many diseases and injuries. Here you can find out exactly what you should pay attention to in skincare, how you can use it to influence the health and appearance of your skin, and what different types of skincare there are.

Skin care: how do you care for your skin properly?

Why is skincare so important?

Supporting the protective function of the skin is only one goal of skincare. In addition, appropriate skincare can counteract the natural aging process. The skin begins to age from the age of 20. The connective tissue of the middle layer of skin, the so-called dermis, begins to give way. The result: the skin becomes flabbier and drier. Wrinkles also form. Effective skincare can slow down this process and make the skin look healthier.

To what extent can the appearance of the skin be influenced by skincare?

The aim of effective skincare is to make the skin look smoother. Ideally, even the previously lost elasticity of the skin will regain its former elasticity. There are several remedies available for this. Washing the face with clear water or applying creams to the skin are just two of them. Which active ingredients the creams contain and whether lotions and oils should be oily or moist depends on the nature of the skin.

What are the different ways of skincare?

Of course, there is not only one ideal way to care for the skin properly. It also depends on the type of skin you have. There are several different skin types, whose skincare methods are sometimes just as different. In everyday life, dry skin and sensitive skin are most common and will be discussed in more detail below.

The care of dry skin

Dry skin is primarily due to one's lifestyle and age. The skin is only rudimentarily able to accumulate moisture in the body, for example, due to excessive nicotine or alcohol consumption. As a result, the skin feels chapped and is sometimes covered with dandruff.

The best skincare for dry skin is to compensate for the loss of moisture. Perfume-free products, which contain many vitamins for this purpose, are considered particularly effective. These do not put additional strain on the skin. Increased drinking of clear water can also be supportive. Or the consumption of water-containing fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers. These also contain the trace element silicon, which strengthens the skin, hair, and nails.

The care of sensitive skin

Many people suffer from sensitive or delicate skin. Besides a hereditary disposition, this is also caused by environmental influences. Stress plays just as much a role as conditioned air, too much sunlight or an allergic reaction. The consequences are reddening of the skin, which sometimes itches. Sensitive, delicate skin is not as well protected from the outside as is normally the case, making it easier for pathogens to penetrate.

In the context of skincare for sensitive skin, you should make sure that the products used only contain ingredients that do not further impair the health of the skin. The good thing is that the care products for sensitive skin are labeled as such in the shops. This should put you on the safe side. By the way, many affected people also swear by water from thermal springs, which they use both for healing baths and for drinking.

Are there any general recommendations for skincare? Tips regardless of skin type

The bottom line is to create healthy conditions. Because if the body as a whole is doing well, this is also beneficial for the health of the skin and thus also supports its care.

Please note the following tips:

  • Sufficient sleep supports skincare and makes the skin look fresher and healthier. An average of eight hours per night is ideal.
  • If possible, only eat food that contains fresh ingredients and is not industrially produced.
  • Avoid tobacco as well as alcohol or UV light.
  • The German Society for Nutrition (DGE)1 recommends a daily fluid intake of 1.5 liters. Nothing is more important in terms of skincare than to supply the skin with sufficient fluid.
  • Pay attention to a good work-life balance. This means not only working, but also doing sports, getting lots of exercise, and avoiding stress.
  • Do not wash the skin too often, as this can disturb its balance. Once a day is quite sufficient.

You should also adapt your skincare to the season. For many, the skin is much drier in winter than in summer. In the cold season, less water reaches the epidermis because less sweat is produced. For this reason, skincare in winter should generally be a little more oily than in summer.

If you are unsure about the right skincare, you can get advice from a dermatologist, pharmacist or an experienced beautician.

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