10 natural methods to stimulate growth hormone (HGH)

Here are 10 reliable methods to naturally increase your human growth hormone levels.

Low levels of HGH can have a negative impact on your quality of life, increase your risk of getting diseases, and can cause you to gain fat. 

10 natural methods to stimulate growth hormone (HGH)

1.   Lose Body Fat

The amount of body fat you have on your body is directly related to your HGH production. 

People with higher amounts of body fat or more belly fat are more likely to have impaired HGH production and a higher risk of disease.

In one study, individuals with 3 times the amount of belly fat had less than half the amount of HGH than slim individuals. 

One study recorded HGH production over 24 hours and found a significant decline in people who had more abdominal fat.

Curiously, one study suggests that excess body fat affects HGH levels more in men. However, reducing body fat is still a key factor for both sexes. 

Belly fat is the most dangerous type of stored fat and is linked to many diseases. Losing belly fat will help you optimize your HGH levels as well as other aspects of your health.

What to remember :

Get rid of excess body fat, especially belly fat. This will optimize your human growth hormone levels and improve your health.

2.   Fasting Punctually

Punctual fasting is a dietary approach that limits meals to short periods.

This can be done in different ways. A common approach is to leave a daily window of 8 hours for meals accompanied by a 16-hour fast. Another approach includes 2 days during the week when only 500 to 600 calories are eaten. 

Punctual fasting can help optimize HGH rates in a number of ways.

First, it can help you lose body fat, which directly affects the production of HGH. 

Second, it will allow you to keep your insulin levels low for most of the day since insulin is produced when you eat. It may also have other benefits, as one study suggests that insulin spikes can disrupt your natural production of growth hormones. 

Shorter fasts of 12 to 16 hours probably also help, although more research is needed to compare their effects to those of multi-day fasts.

3.   Try an Arginine Supplement

Although most people tend to use amino acids such as arginine as a supplement to the sport, one study shows that this has little or no effect on HGH levels. 

Two other studies have confirmed this, finding no difference between doing sport and doing sport while taking arginine. However, when arginine was taken alone and without sport, they did find a significant increase in HGH.

4.   Take an ABM Supplement

GABA is a protein-free amino acid that functions as a neurotransmitter, sending messages to the brain.

As a well-known calming agent for the brain and central nervous system, it is often used to help sleep. Interestingly, it can also help increase your HGH levels.

The most well-known study on this subject found a 400% increase in human growth hormones at mealtime and a 200% increase following physical exercise.

GABA should help increase your HGH levels by improving your sleep since your production of growth hormones at night is related to the quality and depth of your sleep.

However, most of these increases have been short-lived and the long-term benefits of GABA for growth hormone levels remain unclear.

5.   Reduce your sugar intake

An increase in insulin production can decrease the production of HGH.

Refined carbohydrates and sugar increase insulin levels the most, so reducing your intake can help optimize growth hormone levels.

One study found that healthy non-diabetic individuals have HGH levels 3 to 4 times higher than diabetics who have carbohydrate tolerance and impaired insulin function.

While directly affecting insulin levels, excess sugar is a key factor in weight gain and obesity, which also affect HGH levels.

6.   Don't Eat Much Before Going to Bed

Your body naturally produces large amounts of growth hormones, especially at night.

Since most meals will result in elevated insulin levels, some experts suggest avoiding food before bedtime.

In particular, a high-carbohydrate or high-protein meal could greatly increase your insulin and potentially block the production of HGH during the night.

However, while this makes sense in theory, there is a lack of direct research on the subject.

Nevertheless, insulin levels normally decline 2 to 3 hours after eating, so you may want to avoid carbohydrate- or protein-based meals 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.

7. Do High-Intensity Exercise

Sport is one of the most effective ways to significantly increase HGH levels.

The increase depends on the type of exercise, the intensity, the food consumed before/after the sport session, and the individuals who practice it.
As you can see in the diagram below, significant increases in HGH have been observed during a weight training session with limited rest time.

Because of their metabolic nature and the increase in lactic acid, high-intensity exercise increases HGH the most. However, all forms of exercise are beneficial.
You can do repeated sprints, interval training, weight training or circuit training to greatly increase your HGH levels and maximize fat loss.
As with the supplement method, these increases are mostly short term peaks.

8. Take Beta-Alanine and/or Recovery Drinks After Your Workouts.

Some supplements for sports can optimize performance and boost your HGH levels.

In one study, taking 4.8 grams of beta-alanine before a workout increased the number of repetitions by 22%.
It also doubled peak power and boosted HGH levels compared to the group that did not take a supplement.
During a training session, a sweetened sports drink increased HGH levels towards the end of the session. However, if you are trying to lose fat, the extra calories from the drink will negate the benefits of the short-term peak HGH.

9. Take a Melatonin Supplement

Melatonin is a hormone that plays an important role in sleep and blood pressure regulation.
Melatonin supplements have become a popular sleep aid and can increase both the quality and duration of your sleep.

While this may already be beneficial to your HGH levels, other research has shown that melatonin supplements can directly improve the production of growth hormone.
Melatonin is also quite safe and non-toxic. However, it can alter brain chemistry in some ways, so it is best to consult a doctor before using it.

10. Optimize Your Sleep

The majority of your HGH is released in "pulses" when you sleep. This is based on your internal clock or circadian rhythm.

In fact, getting an adequate amount of deep sleep is one of the best strategies to improve your HGH production over the long term.

Here are some simple strategies to optimize your sleep:

Avoid exposure to blue light before you sleep.
Read a book in the evening
Make sure your room is at a comfortable temperature
Do not consume caffeine late in the day.
Things to remember: Focus on optimizing the quality of your sleep and aim for 7 to 10 hours of quality sleep per night.

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